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Some Cool Press & Podcasts

Ben came and spent a weekend with the team and didn't air our dirty laundry. We made him get on cam and perform and he was terrible. He sang sad songs, flapped his arms while shirtless, and cursed at folks being polite. He made 26 dollars in an hour though so there is something to say about pity tips.

Gabi, one of our amazing Brand AmbASSadors, along with Zhaddie, another one of our super entertaining models, were featured in Rolling Stone, talking about how great SpankChain is. Pretty fucking cool.

Ameen & I filmed this separately. Peter met me at Salt Lick, my go to BBQ spot in TX and we talked for a while about the industry. Peter put a bunch of really great links to things that Ameen & I referenced so please check it out.

I did a podcast with Micky from Australia. Fresh out of the shower and no makeup on, lol.

We made it into Forbes again so that's pretty cool!

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